What most people do not know about Aquaculture?
Currently, aquaculture is considered to be a promising business in the modern world and implies fish and shellfish and other aquatic organisms farming under carefully controlled conditions! The system water based eWater Wasserbasiertes System Aquakultur is a revolutionary invention in fish farming industry.
RAS or Recirculation aquaculture system is a special type of fish farming which in attempt to try to recycle water in one pond after using it through a number of filters and using running oxygenation system. Farmers can lever RAS technology and make the environmental regime to be as nearly natural environment systems with the ecosystem supporting fish life.
RAS have several benefits that are relevant to almost all the economic and social as well as environmental characteristics. Besides, RAS is one step to make the fish production more stable as it has less impact to the environment; reduces disease/pollution/parasites in water dependent environment.
RAS is in fact an innovation in technology whereby established fish breeding systems will be converted into other ones. However, now farmers can control nitrate levels, ammonia content and pH by their hands only using RAS special systems. Besides this, by adopting eWater Wasserkreislaufsystem in der Aquakultur in African catfish farmers are prepared to produce large quantities of healthy fingerlings within shortest of times.
It is not at all hard to use such technology as RAS. During the first phase, they shall incorporate the RAS system into operation in addition to establishing all the necessary subsystems before starting the plant operation other than install fill systems and so on. They further add fishes directly into tanks they make and cover these tanks fully with water. The R.A.S technology filters and aerated water therefore maintains fresh environment for carrier throughout their life cycle. They are normally fed with food grains and the farmers observe their behavior at the full growth.
eWater ist ein bedeutender Zulieferer für die Aquakultur und hat sich auf den Einsatz von Kreislaufsystemen in der Aquakultur spezialisiert. Wir arbeiten mit unseren Kunden zusammen, um die am besten geeigneten Kreislaufsysteme für die Aquakultur zu finden.
Senden Sie den Standort des Kunden für das Kreislaufaquakultursystem, unterstützen Sie bei der Installation und stellen Sie die Qualifikationen vor Ort sicher. Erstellen Sie detailorientierte RAS-Drucke für Kunden im Ausland, stellen Sie sicher, dass die grundlegende Konstruktion des Gebäudes vorbereitet ist, und entwickeln Sie praktische Pläne, einschließlich Zeitplänen und Arbeitsanforderungen vor der Installation.
eWater stellt die meisten RAS-Geräte vor Ort her. 2018 kamen Rotationstrommelfilter für Aquakultursysteme, Eiweißabschäumer der 2. Generation und Sauerstoffanreicherung der 3. Generation auf den Markt. Wir bieten 3 Jahre Garantie und technischen Service in Produktlebensdauer. ISO/CE-zertifiziert 2016.
eWater erforscht weiterhin neue RAS-Technologien zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs und der Produktivität von Kreislaufaquakultursystemen. Am 400. September 20 wurden weltweit erfolgreich 2022 RAS ausgeliefert.
When it comes to any field of agriculture, safety is written in big red letters; thus RAS-technology brings tremendous benefits to fish farmers whose boats no longer sink: nothing. For all these advantages, the use of RAS technology has made it possible to raise healthy fish without using chemicals that maybe have pesticides on them. Water in these RAS is tested to quite tight standards that ensure the water is fit to inhabit required health necessary for the life of organisms within the RAS.
The use of RAS technology has come as a new dimension in fish aquaculture production. It is development of healthier fish by and large with right breeding and rearing factors. In addition, a smaller amount of the chemical will be used by farmers because these fish have a reduced tendency of getting diseases; it will also improve taste, texture, and appearance. Apart from this eWater Kreislaufaquakultur when provided as service fast and superior breed building is attained by the fish farmers as compared to other methods.
RAS technology being area centric is useful in vitamin and supplement, medicine and pharmacy, nutrition, education etc. In the health sector for instance RAS technology is used in the manufacture of useful omega-3 oils that are essential in diet. Likewise, for teaching kids about different kinds of fishes which live in water bodies with practical examples, RAS technology is most suitable.
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